Unity C++ Render API

This is an example use case by Unity of the IUnityGraphics.h from the PluginAPI, sourced from Github Unity-Technologies/NativeRenderingPlugin.



RenderAPI *CreateRenderAPI(UnityGfxRenderer apiType)
class RenderAPI
#include <RenderAPI.h>

Public Functions

void ProcessDeviceEvent(UnityGfxDeviceEventType type, IUnityInterfaces *interfaces) = 0
bool GetUsesReverseZ() = 0
void DrawSimpleTriangles(const float worldMatrix[16], int triangleCount, const void *verticesFloat3Byte4) = 0
void *BeginModifyTexture(void *textureHandle, int textureWidth, int textureHeight, int *outRowPitch) = 0
void EndModifyTexture(void *textureHandle, int textureWidth, int textureHeight, int rowPitch, void *dataPtr) = 0
void *BeginModifyVertexBuffer(void *bufferHandle, size_t *outBufferSize) = 0
void EndModifyVertexBuffer(void *bufferHandle) = 0