3.2. Prefabs


Please make sure you are familiar with Unity prefabs and prefab variants, as well as their icons/colors in the hierarchy.

3.2.1. UI

This contains mostly instances of the UI components used when generating the UI panels.

XrCanvas is the ‘base’ prefab upon which all world space canvases are based on. This contains functionality on how to raycast the UI, how to grab the panels.

MeshDetailsCanvas is an empty details panel for a mesh, before any components have been added via C#.

VerticalScrollList defines the layout of generated elements. Elements are added to the Content child.

InputHints is the ‘base’ prefab for the hints shown on a controller. It is based on the Oculus Touch left hand controller and is used in the VR Controller prefabs.

InputLabel is one label used in the InputHints. Links to one button or axis. It is made so that it fits the content.

3.2.2. UI Generator Components

These are items that can be added to the VerticalScrollList, in the XrCanvas, from C#. These are all referenced by the instance of the UiManager in the scene (found on the UI gameObject) under the UI Component Prefabs header.

3.2.3. UI Input Hint Data

These aren’t technically prefabs but ScriptableObject s, which is a simple data storage (compared to a database). This is where we store what the input hints will display. It is done in a hierarchical fashion with one instance per state and sub-state. This is used by UiInputHints.Repaint. See also UiInputLabel.SetData

3.2.4. VR Controllers

This is where you can customize the look of the VR controllers, as well as tweaking the positions of the UI input hints for example.

3.2.5. XR Interaction

These are prefabs related to the interaction with the world.