3.6. C# XrInput

3.6.1. InputManager.cs

The InputManager will detect and create the VR controllers. It handles getting of the current input state, i.e. which buttons are pressed, and saves this into the InputState. The InputManager and the InputState will also handle shared functionality, e.g. which tool is active, what the brush size is.

class XrInput.InputManager : public MonoBehaviour

This script handles the controller input and is based on the Unity XR Interaction Toolkit. An important part is that this is where the InputState can be accessed and is updated.

Public Functions

void SetActiveTool (ToolType value)

Sets the active tool and updates the UI

void RepaintInputHints (bool left = true, bool right = true)

Safely repaint the input hints on the controllers, specify which hands should be repainted.

Public Members

Transform xrRig

Get the XR Rig Transform, to determine world positions of controllers.

InputDeviceCharacteristics handCharL = InputDeviceCharacteristics.Controller | InputDeviceCharacteristics.Left
InputDevice HandL
UiInputHints HandHintsL
XrBrush BrushL
InputDeviceCharacteristics handCharR = InputDeviceCharacteristics.Controller | InputDeviceCharacteristics.Right
InputDevice HandR
UiInputHints HandHintsR
XrBrush BrushR


event Action OnActiveToolChanged = delegate { }

Called just after the active tool has changed

Public Static Attributes

InputManager get

The singleton instance.

InputState State

The current input state shared between all meshes.

InputState StatePrev

Input at the last frame (main thread).

Private Functions

void Awake ()
void Start ()
void Update ()
bool InitializeController (bool isRight, InputDeviceCharacteristics characteristics, out InputDevice inputDevice, GameObject handPrefab, XRController modelParent, out Animator handAnimator, out UiInputHints inputHints, out XrBrush brush)

Gets the XR InputDevice and sets the correct model to display. This is where a controller is detected and initialized.


True if successful

void UpdateHandAnimators ()
void UpdateRayInteractors ()

Enables and disables certain rays and UI interaction for performance. Raycasting the UI is one of the most expensive operations currently. See profile EventSystem

void UpdateSharedState ()

Updates the InputState State. Implementation note: The hands may not be initialized/detected yet.

Private Members

bool useHands = false
GameObject handPrefabL = default
GameObject handPrefabR = default
List<GameObjectcontrollerPrefabs = default
XRController handRigL = default
XRRayInteractor handInteractorL = default
readonly List<XRBaseInteractable_rayHoverTargetsL = new List<XRBaseInteractable>()
XRController handRigR = default
XRRayInteractor handInteractorR = default
readonly List<XRBaseInteractable_rayHoverTargetsR = new List<XRBaseInteractable>()
Animator _handAnimatorL
Animator _handAnimatorR
XRRayInteractor teleportRayL = default

The ray interactor for teleporting

bool _prevAxisClickPressedL
bool _prevAxisClickPressedR

Private Static Attributes

readonly int TriggerAnimId = Animator.StringToHash(“Trigger”)
readonly int GripAnimId = Animator.StringToHash(“Grip”)

3.6.2. InputState.cs

struct XrInput.InputState

This is the ‘shared’ input state. It is also where you can access the filtered controller input. Stores input that is shared between meshes as well as the raw input that has not been mapped to actions. Raw input has been filtered to prevent conflicts with UI and grabbables.

Public Functions

void TogglePivotMode ()

Changes the pivot mode depending on the ActiveTool

Public Members

ToolType ActiveTool

Which tool are we currently using.

float GripL
float TriggerL
float GripR
float TriggerR
Vector3 HandPosL
Vector3 HandPosR
Quaternion HandRotL
Quaternion HandRotR
bool PrimaryBtnL
bool SecondaryBtnL
Vector2 PrimaryAxisL
bool PrimaryBtnR
bool SecondaryBtnR
Vector2 PrimaryAxisR
bool IsTeleporting

Are we pressing the teleport button? Used to disable other input.

float BrushRadius
PivotMode ActivePivotModeTransform
PivotMode ActivePivotModeSelect
bool TransformWithRotate

Is rotation enabled for transformations.

SelectionMode ActiveSelectionMode
bool NewSelectionOnDraw

Draw into a new selection with each stroke

bool DiscardSelectionOnDraw

Clear the selection when starting a stroke

bool BoundsVisible

Should we show the bounding boxes of the editable meshes


PivotMode ActivePivotMode { }

The pivot mode for the ActiveTool

ToolTransformMode ToolTransformMode { }

The sub-state of the Transform tool

ToolSelectMode ToolSelectMode { }

The sub-state of the Select tool

Public Static Functions

InputState GetInstance ()


An instance with the defaults set

Private Members

ToolTransformMode _toolTransformMode
ToolSelectMode _toolSelectMode Enums

enum XrInput.ToolType

Which tool is being used, InputState.ActiveTool.


enum XrInput.ToolSelectMode

The sub-state of the Select tool.


enum XrInput.ToolTransformMode

The sub-state of the Transform tool.


enum XrInput.SelectionMode

How to modify the selection.


enum XrInput.PivotMode

How to rotate the mesh/selection.



3.6.3. XrBrush.cs

class XrInput.XrBrush : public MonoBehaviour

Functionality related to the sphere ‘bubble’ brush. Currently handles resizing the brush, getting the center and finding overlapping bounding boxes via trigger colliders.

Public Functions

void SetRadius (float value)
void Initialize (bool isRight)
void OnActiveToolChanged ()
bool SetActiveMesh ()

Will set the active mesh as the first hovered, if we are not hovering over the active mesh. Hovering is detected and visualized by the bounding boxes.


True if the active mesh has been set

Public Members

Transform center
const float ResizeSpeed = 0.5f
const float ResizeDeadZone = 0.1f
bool InsideActiveMeshBounds

Public Static Attributes

Vector2 RadiusRange = new Vector2(0.025f, 1f)

Private Functions

void OnDestroy ()
void OnTriggerEnter (Collider other)

Called when the brush bubble enters a trigger collider. Standard Unity callback. We use this to set the hovering status of the individual meshes.

void MeshLeftTrigger (LibiglMesh libiglMesh)

Called when the mesh leaves the trigger and updates the hovering status of a mesh. Implementation note: split into separate function so when deactivating we leave all triggers.

void OnTriggerExit (Collider other)
void RepaintBoundingBoxes ()

Repaint bounding boxes based on the hovering status. Bounds are hidden if we are hovering over the active mesh. The first hovered mesh is set as the primary one.

void OnActiveMeshChanged ()

Called by the event MeshManager.OnActiveMeshChanged

void OnDisable ()

Private Members

SphereCollider _brushCollider
bool _isRight
readonly List<LibiglMesh_currentLibiglMeshes = new List<LibiglMesh>()