4.1. C#/C++ Interface

This page is quite techical, in most scenarios you can just look at what already exists!


Native = C++, Managed = C# (think of memory management)

Quick Facts:

  • Code written in C++ has to be compiled to a shared library (.dll on windows) and placed in the Assets/Plugins folder. This is done by CMake when building.

  • The native functions must be redeclared in C# as extern with the DllImport attribute and can then be called normally. All these declarations are in Libigl/Native.cs.

  • You can use pointers with the unsafe keyword.

  • Managed data structures can have a different layout than native ones. ‘Marshalling’ converts between the two automatically, but can involve expensive copies.

  • Classes or structs can be shared between but must be declared in both languages.

  • Beware of the garbage collector. Pin managed data using fixed, or GcAlloc with the pinned option, to prevent the garbage collector from moving/deleting whilst the C++ is executing. This is only for classes (not structs/value types).

4.1.1. C++ Building The Library CMake

  • When building the .dll is placed in the Assets/Plugins folder automatically

  • Note that the output directory can be set in the CMake cache with the UNITY_* variables

  • Set CMAKE_VERBOSE for precise message if something goes wrong in CMake

  • Currently only Visual Studio Solutions .sln have been tested Rebuilding and Unloading Native Libraries

Unity presents the complication that it never unloads a dll once loaded, this prevents write access and rebuilding will fail. A dll is loaded once a function from it is called for the first time.

UnityNativeTool by mcpiroman present a good workaround for this by ‘mocking’ native functions and un/loading the dll manually. This is only done in the editor so builds will be unaffected. This method allows us to use the normal P/Invoke attribute [DllImport("mylib")] above external native function declarations in C#. So there are no changes to our code(!) This works in edit and play mode and details can be seen in the instance of the DllManipulatorScript. However, this means the Main scene must be loaded in order to be able to use the dll.

We also get a callback whenever a library is loaded and unloaded (pre/post) allowing us to initialize and clean up the native library nicely. This relied on the mysteriously named stubLluiPlugin. What you need to know:

  • The library is loaded whenever a function is called, Alt + Shift + D is pressed

  • It is unloaded when play mode ends, the DllManipulatorScript is disabled (OnDisable) or when manually unloading via the component inspector or the shortcut Alt + D

  • When you want to rebuild your library, stop play mode or unload it first in Unity via the shortcut

  • You can use [DllImport] as usual

  • There are certain limitations to marshalling and similar

  • We can get callbacks by using the attributes in UnityNativeTool/scripts/Attributes.cs, e.g. when the dll is un/loaded

  • Use [MockNativeDeclarations] on a class or native function to enable this unloading

  • The shortcuts un/load all mocked libraries, if there are several

4.1.2. Debugging

C++ or C#: Open the solution in Visual Studio. Debug > Attach To Process... and select running Unity.exe. Place breakpoints as usual. Ensure that you build before running so that the source code matches the executing code. For C# debuggin in VS also search online…

Simultaneous C#/C++: VS cannot debug both at the same time, two instances do not work. So current solution is to use Jetbrains Rider to debug the C# side and VS (or CLion) for C++.


The editor/application will crash if there is a segfault in C++, use Visual Studio to debug. Failed assertions will cause a pop up. When this happens you can attach the debugger and then press Retry to inspect properly.

4.1.3. Calling Native functions Do’s and Don’ts


  • Check that function declarations match exactly by copy-pasting for example

    • Be careful with references

  • Label parameters with in and out to improve performance

  • Use unsafe to pass pointers along with UnsafeUtility

  • Use NativeArray<T> when possible along with NativeArrayUnsafeUtility

  • Keep C#/C++ interface calls to a minimum for a simple interface


  • Pass large non-blittable types, e.g. matrices, use pointers instead

  • Have unhandled exceptions. Exceptions should be handled fully in C++ or fully in C#.

  • Call a C# delegate/function pointer from C++ without checking if it is valid/null.

Lots of problems can arise if this is not the case.

4.1.4. Global Variables/Persistent Memory in C++

Anything related to a specific mesh must be part of the MeshState. However, global variables can be used to store a state between function calls from C#. Declare these as extern in a header and define them once in a C++. They can be set in the Initialize().

Memory allocated with new in C++ will persist as usual until it is deleted with delete. Notably, the MeshState is allocated in C++ when InitializeMesh() is called. C# can access (read/write but not delete) C++ owned memory.


When the dll is unloaded all memory it allocated must be deleted. This can be done in UnityPluginUnload() or triggered by a C# destructor, see LibiglMesh.cs and LibiglBehaviour.cs. Notably, when hot reloading this is also the case.

(advanced) When hot reloading (pausing play mode, un/loading the dll) global variables are deleted. Pointers to data allocated with new are still valid, but the memory cannot be used as the owner dll has been destroyed (effectively a segmentation fault). You cannot simply keep the same data. As such, all persistent data must be serialized and then deserialized if you want the state to survive a hot reload. This has not yet been implemented but could be done with igl::serialize.

4.1.5. Marshalling

Marshalling allows us to pass managed data to a native context. Ensure that you use ‘blittable types’ as much as possible as these do not involve a copy. Generally:

  • blittable types: int, float, numbers, structs consisting of only these, 1-D arrays of these

  • non-blittable types: string, bool, n-D arrays

To pass a struct add the [StructLayout(Sequential)] attribute to it in C# and redeclare it in C++ in InterfaceTypes.h with the same variable ordering. in and out parameter attributes allow the Marshalling to optimize more. It should match C++ references. For strings use CharSet = Ansi in DllImport

4.1.6. Calling Managed functions from C++


In certain rare scenarios this may be desirable. Think first if this can be avoided. It is possible via function pointer callbacks.

In C#, a delegate (~function pointer type) must be declared and the function to be called. The function must be annotated with the [MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(MyDelegate))] attribute. It must be a static method.
See Scripts/Libigl/NativeCallbacks.cs and add your callback there.

In C++, declare a function pointer typedef like the delegate, see StringCallback. The function pointer must use the UNITY_INTERFACE_API to ensure the __stdcall C# calling convention is used. Then you declare an instance of the function pointer as extern, see DebugLog. Finally we must set the pointer when calling Initialize() and reset to nullptr in UnityPluginUnload(). The extern variables need to be properly declared in Native.cpp.
See source/InterfaceTypes.h and add your code there.


Function pointers/callbacks may be invalid or null. Check before invoking them or a crash will occur.

Further reading: Debug.Log example

4.1.7. Further Reading

A good simple introduction to P/Invoke

Unrelated and not what you want:

  • C++/CLI (Microsoft) which is not the same as C++

  • COM (Microsoft Component Object Model)

  • CLR (Microsoft Common Language Runtime)

Related and what you are using/looking for:

  • P/Invoke used by the DllImportAttribute (stands for Platform Invoke)
