4.3. C++ External Libraries

Libigl among other third party libraries are in the external folder.

  • libigl, This is currently a custom fork with some modifications. It also contains Eigen.

    • arap* files have been edited to allow for use of float instead of double.

  • eigen-debug, Stores natvis files for pretty printing Eigen matrices when debugging.

  • UnityNativeTool, This is the source code for the small stubLluiPlugin.dll library used by the UnityNativeTool. All it does is get the function pointer to the Unity C++ interface class IUnityInterfaces. This is required such that we get the callbacks for UnityPluginLoad() and UnityPluginUnload() when running in the Unity editor. It is compiled via CMake.

  • Unity/PluginAPI, This has functions related calling Unity related functions from C++. Mostly unused.

  • Unity/RenderAPI, This includes headers related to sample usage of the render API (e.g. DirectX) from C++. It is currently not used.