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Deform meshes in Virtual Reality with libigl using Unity - A VR editor for libigl

See the Gallery & Showcase for visual summary.


See the Gallery for visual examples.

  1. Run As-Rigid-As-Possible igl::arap or a biharmonic defomation igl::harmonic on a mesh and manipulate it in real-time with the VR controllers

  2. Select vertices and transform them using VR controllers

  3. Threaded geometry code, can handle armadillo with responsive VR

  4. Multiple selections per mesh (using bitmasks)

  5. Multi-mesh editing possible, easily swap out the mesh

  6. Easy import process of new models

  7. Easy UI generation (using prefabs and C#)

Compatible VR Headsets: Theoretically everything compatible with the Unity XR Plugin system and XR Interaction Toolkit. Tested on Oculus Rift S, likely to be compatible are Oculus Rift, Oculus Quest, Valve Index.

Technical Features

  1. Unity/libigl interface for meshes

  2. Unity C#/C++ interface

  3. Handling of input with threaded geometry calls

Development Timeline